Saturday, July 10, 2010

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 18. ORIGINALITY

So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. And the Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. And the man said, This s now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man" (Genesis 2:21-23 NASB).


Remember, there is only one of you. You were carefully fashioned by God to complement the man He knew He would place you beside. Many ask me if there is only one man for every woman. My reply is always the same, "There are many men you could settle for, but there is one that God knows is best for you." When He decided to give Adam a mate, he did not place Eve, Mary, and Sue before hima nd allow him to pick. He designed one especially capable of meeting all of Adam's needs. So embrace your originality- the things about you that set you apart from every other woman on the face of the earth.

Just as there was only one Eve, there is only one you who does things the way you do. Now these are a little more nebulous, harder to pinpoint because they are so personal. Defining these things releases you to be yourself. There are the unexplained things that every man likes about a woman, from the way she wrinkles her nose to the way she orders her food and insists on putting the bread to the side of her sandwich. Several movies come to mind where the heroine had "quirky" down to a science, yet the man in pursuit of her loved every minute of it. Why? Because her quirks made her unique. There was no one else quite like her, and every other woman seemed boring in comparison. The men in these cute romantic movies loved watching the women who had won their hearts because they were just so...well...different, intriguing, cute! One man told me, when listing the peculiarities of the woman he was in love with, that he didn't love her in spite of her idiosyncrasies, he loved her because of them.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 17. ENJOYING LIFE


Everyone loves to see a parade. To go to party. To share a joke. To enjoy life. everyone wants to be part of a celebration. The greatest way to attract interest is to possess what someone else wants. Ladies, if you don't enjoy your life, why would anyone want to be part of it? This is crucial.

Begin today to live as if it were the gala of the century. Enjoy yourself. From the simple pleasures to more complicated delights, select one and enjoy living in the moment. Embrace opportunities and experiences that put a spark in your eye an bounce in your step. Joy is irresistible. Everyone is always seeking more, and if you have a surplus to pour out, believe me, someone will come for a drink. Joy speaks of more than the ability to amuse yourself. It speaks of wholeness, confidence, a settled heart that is comfortable.

Choose to be joyful when you wake. Make cheerfulness a habit in your life. It's entirely up to you. Apply it to your heart the way you would makeup to your face. Joy acts like a magnet, drawing others to itself. In a man's eyes, joy speaks of more than just momentary enjoyment. Joy is pregnant with promise. Promises he will be determined to discover. For singles, it is the mystery of the promise that inspires a man to commit. Therefore, keep your secrets until you have the blessings of God to reveal them. Married ladies, don't keep your husband guessing too long. Allow him to discover the source of your joy and share it with you in a delightful conspiracy. Always have a new joys for him to discover- one surprise at a time.

Friday, July 9, 2010

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 16. MOVEMENT

While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep, for she was a shepherdess. When Jacob saw Rachel daughter of Laban, his mother's brother, and Laban's sheep, he went over and rolled the stone away from the mouth of the well and watered his uncle sheep. Then Jacob kissed Rahel and began to weep aloud. (Genesis 29: 9-11)


I wonder if Rachel had a special sway when she walked that could have interrupted a man's conversation. Remember the girl from Ipanema? An entire song was sung in tribute to her walk and the way it affected those who saw, my, my. I wonder if she went to finishing school.

Whatever happened to finishing schools? Where you learned to walk, sit, and hold your hands a certain way? Where you learned to be a lady? Now it's every woman for herself! And today's shoes aren't doing anybody any favors. Small wonders some women are mincing around while others are clumping as if trying to crush grapes in wine season. Amazing. Men design those fabulous mules and then expect us to walk gracefully. There is a way to walk and then there is a way to walk.

Men observe how women walk and draw conclusions based on what they see. I once overheard a man who was watching a woman cross the streets say, "She walks as if she is enjoying herself." Sure enough, I followed the direction of his eyes, and there was this woman taking her time, her hips swaying gently as if she was waling to music none of us could hear. She was like a poem, moving in slow motion through the rest of the crowd as they made their way from point A to B. It brought to mind the song, "She walks in beauty..."

What does your walk say? That you are on a mission? Or that all is well with your soul and you are enjoying the day? Better walk lightly, someone might be watching.

And it's not just your walk; it's all your movements- the way you do the things you do. How you bend over to pick something up, the little way you flick your hair over your shoulder or innocently stretch without thinking. Men take nnote of all these things.
Perhaps a turn of the head or a movement of the arm remiinds them of something pleasant buried in their spirit. It connects and surfaces longings they believe we can answer. It this something you can totally control? Probably not. But just remember that ou inner workings will be manifested in your body language. So make sure all is well with your soul and reflect it in all you do.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 15. DRESS


On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king's hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance. When he saw Queen Esther standing in the court, he was pleased with her hand and held out to her the gold scepter that was in his hand (Esther 5:1-2)

That must have been some dress Esther had on! What kind of dress would make a man want to give all of his power to a woman? Contrary to popular belief, flesh is not the attracting factor, mystery is. Some men have double standards about the way a woman dresses. Yes, he will turn and gawk at a woman walking down the street who is showing more than she should, but does he want the woman on his arm to dress in the same manner? Absolutely not! He ma be attracted to the scantily dressed woman but not respect her or take her seriously at all.

I always ask the question: Would you be proud to meet Jesus in what you are wearing? That settles it, dress accordingly. Now that doesn't mean your stuff has to be up to the top of you neck or hitting the floor. Simply dress with taste and modesty. Leave something to the imagination. Leave that man wanting to know more about you. Give him hints but not the full conclusion. Dress carefully and effectively. Soft, feminine, and inviting,  but without displaying things that only your mate should see. Let your dress speak volumes about your character- modest not brazen, godly not worldly. Highlight your best qualities without distracting from your overall natural beauty. The rule for dressing is less can be more, and I am not speaking of fabric. Dress the wa you want to be perceived. If you are a queen, dress like one.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 14. POSTURE

Your stature is like that of the palm (Song of Songs 7:7-8)


Ooowee! I mean King of Solomon had a rap, didn't he? But let's face it, he was only saying what every man thinks but doesn't have the nerve to utter. The way we stand, the way we carry our bodies speaks volumes. There is something about a woman who walks upright with her head held high. There is peace with herself in every step. She likes herself. She feels good about herself.

Now close your eyes and imagine that same woman slumped over, shoulders curved forward, neck bent, head hung over. Is that a desirable picture of you? Not only does it say this person is feeling sorry for herself, it's not a healthy stance at all. Body language- that's what we're talking about here- plain and simple. How can you carry yourself makes you approachable or wards off all interested parties. Take a moment to check out how you stand.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 13. A GREAT BODY

Your navel is a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine. Your waist is a mound of wheat encircled by lilies. Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle (Song of Songs 7:2-3).


Okay, okay, so men like breasts, lips, hips, breasts, legs, breasts...perhaps it;s the mother thing. This is another area where the style, size, and shape preference is purely subjective. so here's what I say. Accentuate the positive and downplay the negative. Dress accordingly to your shape. The right foundation is definitely something to consider here. Victoria's secret is that she makes a foundation for everyone to enhance what nature gave them. Start from the top down with the right underwear. The right outfit can look all wrong if the foundation isn't together. If you are small, you still need to have the right bra to ensure a beautiful profile. For those whoa re bountifully endowed, use bras with cotton straps to keep yourself firmly in place and present a flawless finish. Whatever your size, consult with someone who specializes in selecting the right pieces to present your best figure.

Body shapers pull up what needs to be up and suck in needless extras. Set the stage for the dress you want to wear and then enter looking your best. Whether a size 2 or a size 20, neatness goes a long way when it comes to being in great form.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 12. FEET

12. FEET

We know many a leg man, but feet?! Yeah, girl, feet. Survey says men are checking out our feet. Are they clean and neatly manicured, or are they hard, calloused, and looking worse for wear? Your feet are an indication of how much attention you pay to your personal grooming. Do you take the time to deal with things that are not so obvious? 

Do you love yourself enough to pay attention to all the details of your appearance? How we take care of ourselves says a lot to a man- it lets him know how you view yourself. Just remember, if you don't take good care of yourself, who will? How precious is your body to you? Take care of it- from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. All your features deserve honor as part of one great body.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 11. LEGS

How beautiful your sandaled feet, O prince's daughter! Your graceful legs are like jewels, the work of a craftsman's hands (Song of Songs 7:1).

11. LEGS

Long legs, short legs, skinny ones, thick ones- it's every man for himself in this category. To shave or not to shave- even this cannot be pinned down, although I dare say the general populace leans toward the Nair-smooth model as politically correct and desirable. To this I say: Find the right dress or skirt length to complement what you've got and then strut your stuff with graceful confidence.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 10. NECK

Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels (Song of Songs 1:10).

10. NECK

It's no small wonder that a woman can take any part of her body and make it speak. We all laugh at the sister- girl neck roll. And yet it says, "How dare you! Don't you ever do that again! Stop right there, mister. Don't even think about getting any closer!" A neck can reflect defiance or submission, pride or humility. A neck can say, "Get back!"  or "I'm open to listen." Mmmmh, a neck can say, all of that and have the capacity to portray a vulnerability a man finds so appealing. It can be a tender place. It's tenderness is particularly attractive to men.

Even God talks about stiff-necked women being turn off. We adorn our necks, we perfume them, but do we understand the power of them? The grace and elegance they can portray? The soft, alluring beauty they possess? The stubbornness they can reveal, even when we try to put our best face forward? Perhaps we would walk more carefully if we really understood their mystique.
Your neck is like the tower of David, built with elegance (Song of Songs 4:4)

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 9. ARMS

Yes, arms are important. It's funny what men notice. Strong arms speak of strength and fitness. They don't need to be buff; toned will suffice. It's amazing how quickly sometimes minor things become major. In the mind of a husband or a man considering a woman potential mate, hands are made for touching and loving them. Arms are for embracing and being capable of handling the tasks at hand.

If you're married, go ahead and reach out to your man. This is part of a man's love language and has tremendous impact. 
Singles, be careful! Don't start fires you can't put out. The book of Ecclesiastes says there is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. God places a high price on a man being intimate with you- one of a lifetime commitment. Maintain His standard and conduct yourself accordingly.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 8. HANDS

This is purely subjective but survey says- men are afraid of nails that look like weapons. Strong, sensitive hands are appealing in their look. Clean, neat, cultures nails will do. They don't even care about polish (well, they do if it's looking as though it's time for manicure). This speaks of the time and attention you pay to yourself in their eyes.

Take the time to cultivate even the little things. The little things become major in their eyes. When you extend our hand, make sure it is a hand they want to hold. Have hands they long to have touch them tenderly, in a reassuring pat only a wife can offer her man... Hands that are the finishing touch of graceful, welcoming arms.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 7. HAIR

Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead (Song of Songs 6:5)


Okay, ladies, let's get real about the hair. This one is a biggie. Men love hair that moves and has a quiet luster that catches the light- fluid, rich and full. Now we all have different textures, lengths, and colors of hair. What is important here is healthy hair that is not forced in its presentation. Au naturel is the vote from the menfolk. They want to enjoy what they see and anticipate permission to touch it at the right time. 

Are men opposed to our fascination with weaves and extensions? Only if they look too done, so pay attention to the fine details if this is the route you want to take. Truly our hair is our glory, but wear it well, my sister.

Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel. Your hair is like a royal tapestry; the king is held captive b it its tresses (Song of Songs 7:5)

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 6. BEAUTIFUL SKIN

Who is this that appears like the dawn, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, majestic as the stars in procession? (Song of Songs 6:10)


Isn't it interesting that the Shulammite woman is the Song of Songs saw herself one way and her lover saw her in an entirely different light? He saw her as fair while she considered the color of her skin undesirable. Fair in this context actually means beautiful. What he saw was not the color but the condition of her skin. It was lustrous and sanity smooth. It had been kissed by the sun and was radiant with a healthy grow. Her skin was rich with vitality- it was alive. It was skin he wanted to touch, though he reserved that impulse for more appropriate time.

It doesn't matter what shade of flavor you are. Care for your skin tenderly and allow its finer properties to shine through. You never know who is looking at you.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 5. COMPLEXION

Do not stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun. My mother's son were angry with me and made me take care of the vineyards; my own vineyard I have neglected (Song of Songs 1:6)


Fair, dark, ruddy, pale as the moon, dark as the night, cafe au lait... we come in many shades and flavors that are appearing to various men. Do not despise what someone else may celebrate.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 4. BEAUTIFUL TEETH

Your teeth are like a flock of sheep coming up from the washing. Each has its twin, not one of them is alone. (Song of Songs 6:6)


Virtually every single toothpaste on the market has added a new ingredient: whitener. It is as if a news flash hit all the makers of toothpaste at the same time. Gleaming white teeth are desirable; healthy is no longer enough.

I must admit, after enduring braces in high school (and not the cool clear ones that they have now either!), teeth are a biggie for me as well. Bad teeth can be a deal breaker. But strong, clean, even white teeth say that person cares about their diet as well as their hygiene. This rates high on the desirability scale for men. It was amazing how many of them brought this one up.

So, even if you have fabulous teeth but no one sees them, what does it profit you? Take a moment to see what your mouth says about you.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 3. A WELCOMING SMILE


Perhaps things are causing you to conceal those pearly whites.  Maybe grim lips are hiding the beautiful inner you.  Deal with the inside and set the outside free.  A smile can do more than words in many instances. 

Perhaps things are causing you to conceal those pearly whites. Maybe grim lips are hiding the beautiful inner you. Deal with the inside and set the outside free. A smile can do more than words in many instances. When asked what made a woman approachable, more men than not said a simple smile was enough to suffice. All they needed was a signal that the coast was dear to approach. An expressionless look did not make feel safe. Even if the rest of the package looked nice, they were sure to pass on the contents.

All dressed up, looking good, and still wondering why the world is passing by you? Better get happy and smile, girl!

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 2. LIPS

Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely (Song of Songs 4:3).


Lips come in all sizes and shapes --- full, thin, voluptuous, pouty, streamlined --- you name it.  And now with the help of cosmetic surgery, we can make them look any way we want.  One thing cosmetic surgery cannot do, though, is make those lips, no matter what size, appealing to a man if they are subconsciously taut and rigid from churning emotions within.

Funny how we can tell if someone is upset by either looking into their eyes or observing the set of their lips.  If someone's lips are stiff or turned downward, we know that person is not a happy camper.  The are upset about something.  We temper our words, fearing a sharp answer.  However, lips that are soft and relaxed let us know the coast is clear.
How many millions of dollars do women spend on lipstick, yet no fabulous color can conceal the way they feel?  The lips reveal a lot!

Are your lips soft, inviting pleasant conversation, or do they threaten a rebuke?  Do they bid welcome, or are they stiff with pride or suspicion?  Perhaps it's time to spit out whatever tastes bitter within and fill yourself with goodness. Yes, that's it!  Though men may fail you and life might disappoint, taste and see that God is good.  His promises are enough to fill you with hope and make you look like the cat that swallowed the canary.  Go ahead, lick your lips-- allow them to be one of your most outstanding features.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 1. EYES

Hi there ladies!

Let me share you this book that inspires me to do more, improve more and be better as a woman.  Do you have a boyfriend right now?  Or are you the type of girl who has no boyfriend or even a suitor since birth?  Are you determined to meet and keep the man of your life? 

I'm very excited to share these 101 hopeful steps with you to make our relationship better and gain self improvement that will make our partner more inlove and attracted to us. If you do not have a suitor or boyfriend, then this is the right time for you to take some steps of lesson for being beautiful in and out.
And let boys fall in love....

1.  EYES
 You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes...( Songs of Songs 4:9)

How many songs have been sung about what a woman's eyes do to a man?  We've heard that the eyes are the windows to the soul so often it has become trite, but it is true.  What is it about the eyes?  Though silent, they speak volumes.  They tell a man if we are angry, sad, happy, approachable, or unapproachable.

In the beginning,  God made all fruit pleasing to the eye, including us.  We are the fruit of His omniscient womb.  He fashioned us not just as a reflection of Himself, but as something that would be nice to look at.  He formed women to attract men.  This is not a bad or sinful thing.  However, how we use what God has given us can either work for or against us.  What do your eyes say?

Let's consider the effect a woman's eyes can have.  They have the power to arrest a man, to captivate, invite, or deter his approach.

Hmmm, the lover in Song of Songs told the beloved that her eyes were like the pools of Heshbon.  The word Heshbon means "stronghold."  A stronghold is a place of no escape.  Now that's deep.  He asked her later in chapter 6, verse 5 to turn her eyes away from him because they overwhelmed him... oooh, thi is juicy stuff!  The girl hadn't said a word, yet she had captured this man with her eyes.

Her eyes were also like doves.  Soft and gentle, not arrogant and bold.  They were eyes that beckoned one to come closer.  What do yours say? Are they filled with the pain of past relationship? Hardened by mistrust?  Before you can beckon love and find favor in the eyes of another, your eyes must be refocused on the joy set before you.

Submit your fears and disappointments to the Lord and dwell on His promises so that He can fill your eyes with the light of His love.  A light that will attract the right man to follow the path to your heart.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

orasan ka ba?

Orasan ka ba? Bawat minuto kasi oras mo ay dahilan upang mahalin kita...

Are you a clock? Because every minute of your time is a reason to love you...

Kalendaryo ko

Sana kalendaryo nalang kita para araw-araw akong my date

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kasama Kang Tumanda

Hango sa Grow Old With You ni Adam Sandler sa pelikulang Wedding Singer (1998), isang cheezy song nanaman ang hatid namin sa inyo mula sa pelikulang My Only U (2008), ang Kasama kang Tumanda.

Kasama kang Tumanda

Itong awiting ito
Ay alay sayo
Sintunado man tong
Mga pangako sayo
Ang gusto ko lamang
Makasama kang tumanda

Patatawanin kita
Pag hindi ka masaya
Bubuhatin kita
Pag nirayuma ka na
O kay sarap isipin
Kasama kang tumanda

Ibibili ng balot
Pag mahina na tuhod
Ikukuha ng gamot
Pag sumakit ang likod
O kay sarap isipin
Kasama kang tumanda

Sasamahan kahit kailanman
Mahigit kumulang di mabilang
Tatlumpung araw sa isang buwan
Umabot man tayo sa three thousand one
Sasamahan kahit kailanman
Mahigit kumulang di mabilang
Tatlumpung araw sa isang buwan
Umabot man tayo sa three thousand one

Loves na love parin kita
Kahit bungi bungi ka na
Para akin ikaw parin
Ang pinagwapong papa
O kay sarap isipin
Kasama kang tumanda

At nangangako sayo
Pag sinagot mong oo
Iaalay sayo buong puso ko
Sumangayon ka lamang
Kasama kang tumanda


Kahit Maputi na ang Buhok Ko

Una ng pinasikat ni Mega Star Sharon Cuneta ang kantang P.S. I Love You at Mr. DJ, taong 1970's. Lalo pa niya tayong pinakilig sa kantang Kahit Maputi na ang Buhok Ko, na nagkaroon na rin ng ibat-ibang bersyon. At kung ilang dekada na ang lumipas, hit na hit parin ang kantang ito magpasa hanggang ngayon.

By Sharon Cuneta

Kung tayo'y matanda na
Sana'y di tayo magbago
Kailan man nasaan ma'y
Ito ang pangarap ko
Makuha mo pa kayang
Ako'y hagkan at yakapin ooooooh
Hanggang pagtanda natin
Nagtatanong lang sa `yo
Ako pa kaya'y ibigin mo
Kung maputi na ang buhok ko

Pagdating ng araw
Ang `yong buhok
Ay puputi na rin
Sabay tayong mangangarap
Nang nakaraan sa `tin

Ang nakalipas ay ibabalik natin ooooooh
Ipapaalala ko sa `yo
Ang aking pangako
Na ang pag-ibig ko'y laging sa `yo
Kahit maputi na ang buhok ko

Ang nakalipas ay ibabalik natin hmmmmmm
Ipapaalala ko sa `yo
Ang aking pangako
Na ang pag-ibig ko'y laging sa `yo
Kahit maputi na ang buhok ko
Kahit maputi na ang buhok ko

Monday, March 22, 2010

Joe D'Mango's Love Notes - GIVE IT ANOTHER CHANCE

Dear Joe,

I long wanted to consult you this problem. Long before it started. As far as I remember I tried to convey this through "snail-mail."Anyway, this is all about me and the lady whom I'm uncertain with my feelings whom we can call "Gellie."

We met during the second semester of 1990. While I was waiting for the next conference of the student movement. back then, I was the head of the propaganda bureau of our organization. She kept on smiling at me. As if we already met before. Ironically, I was ashamed to get near her. Since she had head-turning looks. On the contrary, I was not, I was in a wheelchair.

But, I didn't allow my disability to hamper my dreams and aspirations. As I stared and stared at her. I don't know what happened next. I felt I was being hypnotized.

On the other hand, I enamored politics the way she hated it. That's why, I sacrificed my political lifestyle only to soothe her whims. In fact, I provided her with shoulders to cry on, during her troubled times. Call it absurdity, but, whenever we had a misunderstanding I was the first one to apologize. Even though, I knew it was her fault. That was how crazy I was.

I felt there was magic whenever we were together. There was so much happiness. A feeling not even Webster can describe. We ate lunch together went to the park, the carnival, watch concerts and movies. Since I came from a well-off family I managed to do those things. On the other side, I never took advantage, even though I can with a snap of a finger. As a matter of fact, she used to spend the night with me and my family. We were like sweethearts, then. Our family were already close. That everybody, including myself, of course, were expecting for the long table.

As my only asset, I did her paper works; research, case studies, only to be close to her most of the time. It really paid-off. Because being with her was a feeling of cradlesong. A moment that I always cherished.

Our relationship was not a typical bed of roses, it also had its jagged moments. This occurred when she started avoiding me. Well, obviously, I didn't took this case sitting down, figuratively speaking. I demanded reasons from her. I kept asking her and myself "why?" She only gave empty and silent answers. In exchange of my loyalty. She turned into an infidel.

At times I waited for her the whole day in front of our library; the place we used to meet. But then not even her shadow would show up. Although, I have been hearing rumors she's been hanging around with some guys indulging in fraternity activities. Honestly, I felt skeptical about the issue, I was thinking those rumors were meant to destroy our "sweet" relationship.

At this point, all the sweetness began to fade, bit by bit. It was in 1992, when the entire student movement entered into a tremenduous turning point. She was slowly detaching herself, on the one hand. And an organization; which I offered my life was standing on a shaking ground. Being one of the pioneer in our organization, I tried to intervene to settle whatever dispute there was.

At that time, I saw myself running in circles and nowhere to go. I had sleepless nights and lost my appetite and felt sickly. I was pondering where have I gone wrong. Frankly, I even blamed God. I saw myself drifting into emptiness. Soon I woke up from a deep somber. I saw that I was left without nothing. I had failing academic remarks. How I regret the day this all started? How I wish I could turn back the clock and rectify my foolishness. Ironically, I tried to forget her. Although time really heals wounds of yesterday. I just couldn't remove the jovial times we spent. As my psychiatrist advised me all I could do is live by the happy times we shared.

>From the ashes I tried to rebuild myself. I finished my Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and successfully established my own computer centre here in Fairview.

Presently, she's coming back once again. But she's never the same as before. She got pregnant with someone she's not close with. Essentially, I won't be honest to say that my feeling already died down. Partially, my trust and confidence is being tested. As of now, whenever she visits me, the feeling still burns. Indeed, I couldn't shoved her when she visits. And no matter how I try? I just couldn't resist her charm. Currently, I cannot tell anybody about this situation I am undertaking. I know I was tormented before. My mind tells me to avoid her. But, my heart pounds her back to me.

Today, I can feel for myself, I've changed whenever I would approach her. I am no longer the meek-disciplined radical. As of now, whenever she's around I would wrap her aggressively around my arms and boldly manifest my feelings. On her part, she wouldn't even resist.

Joe, I know you're the only one whom I can turn to. Please enlighten me on this matter.

Good luck and thank you for sparing time in reading my mail.

Lastly, can you please play "Separate lives."

God bless!!!

Dear Dodit

It is an undeniable fact that you are still madly attracted to Gellie. She may have had a child out of wedlock but that doesn't really matter, does it? Nothing has changed with the way you feel for her even her past was tainted dark with many unpleasant experiences .

Dodit, you have to be true to yourself. I don't see any reason why you have to torment yourself by repressing your feelings for her. She may have made mistakes in her life but that doesn't mean that she cannot have another chance.

I believe that you have to go beyond your silent expressions of affection, sit down and listen to what you have long wanted to say. If you can aggressively wrap your arms around her and she would not resist, I assume that both of you can openly talk about your feelings for each other without any hesitation and reservation.

Only when you know where you stand can you decide on the next best step to take. Dodit, many may say that you're better off looking for someone who's single and free but if you know deep in your heart that she's the one who's going to make you happy then there's nothing wrong in giving yourselves a second chance. If she isn't married yet and if she is making her presence felt once again then maybe, she could just be waiting for you to make the first move.

Dodit, this is your call. You can emotionally detach yourself from her completely and sacrifice your feelings or you can work on a promising chance of being together again. If you can learn to accept her for all that she is and for all that she has now then you can rekindle all that has died out and breath a new life to your relationship.

Let us all remember that it is always better to have tried and failed than not to have tried and lived the rest of our lives regretting the chances we've missed and wondering what could have been if only we have listened to the silent cries of our hearts.



Dear Joe,

Hi. Just call me Lizbeth. I'm an advertising graduate from one of the leading universities in Manila. I have spent the better part of my 23 years actively trying to find out what this life of mine is all about and why it's always such a mess.

I'd rather not talk about my childhood and just begin my story in the summer of 1991. I met Carl that year. He was two years my senior, sweet, witty and funny. Carl courted me but I had to turn him down because of my studies and my parents. We became friends instead. We went out on dates. I told him my dreams, my heartaches, my frustrations, everything. The relationship was purely platonic.

Year '92 came and I fell in love with a college professor. Actually, it wasn't really love, it was more of an obsession. At that time, my heart was telling me to go ahead and be a mistress. On the other hand, my intellect told me to stop my foolishness. I almost quit school because of this. The worst part of it, I tried to hurt myself, thrice.

In desperation I told my friend, I'll give my heart to the first guy who will say: "I love you." Carl scolded me when he learned about it. Joe, he stood by me during those trying times. Before I knew it, I started treating him differently. Carl and I began to have a serious relationship. We went steady June 24, 1993.

He paid a great deal of attention to me and he understood my limitations. I forgot the college professor and learned to love Carl. Joe, only a couple of friends knew about the relationship. I did not tell my parents about it. I knew they wouldn't understand. But Carl introduced me to his parents and they accepted me and treated me as their own daughter.

In January 1994, a few months before my college graduation, he proposed marriage. I should have been happy but I felt the opposite. I felt I just could not be the equal partner since he seemed more mature and more loving than I was. I felt inferior and even though I loved him, I felt that I did not deserve his love. I suggested a breakup for me to think, and he consented.

I went through a stage of being by myself, spending six months not dating anyone at all. I refused to go out with friends. But as fate would have it, we reconciled the same year. Carl made the first move because I was too proud to ask for a reconciliation. Joe, I realized I love him more than anything else. I had never been so happy in my life, Joe.

In February 1995, we went to Tagaytay. Of course my parents were not aware of this. Carl and I spent the night together but nothing happened. It's not because there was no sexual attraction, the electricity was there. But he said we'd do it after the church wedding.

Right there, I knew he was the man for me. Joe, we talked about marriage and the plan was to have it either in December 1996 or early part of 1997. I was ready to introduce him to my parents, to my friends but something tragic happened.

Our plan can not happen anymore. Joe, Carl met a car accident while on his way to Pangasinan to meet a distant relative. Joe, he died. When his parents broke the news, my whole body went numb. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't speak and not a sound came from my mouth. I just couldn't accept it that he's dead. When I saw his remains, a steady stream of tears started and I could not stop no matter how hard I tried. I needed someone to be there for me, someone to hold on to. But he was gone now, never to be back again.

Joe, the pain was indescribable. I felt like tearing myself into pieces. I was so angry at myself because I allowed him to leave. I was so angry at the damn owner of the car who rammed Carl's. I felt like hell.

I thought of telling these things to my friends but I hesitated. I did not know where and how to start. They might not understand because they thought that Carl was just a friend. It was my fault. I should have not kept our relationship in the dark. I wanted to shout: "He's more than a friend, he's my fiance." God! It was too late.

Joe, I don't know why I'm sharing these things with you. Perhaps, I just need to let this out. It's been almost two years and yet I'm still in pain. I still love him. I want to see him once more, to touch his face. In fact, I'm willing to do anything just to bring him back to life. At times, I feel like killing myself. Living is painful and unbearable without him. But I would always remember that our favorite song says, "The time spent together is not that important for what matters most is the love that we feel for each other." Carl would always sing Kenny Rankin's song, Joe.

How can I get over this? I've tried seeing other guys but I always go home frustrated because Carl is much better. I can't help but compare him to other guys. When he died a part of me died as well. How can I go on living? To tell you frankly, I think I died with him. I'm just like a zombie with no sense of direction.

Joe, his second death anniversary is fast approaching and I'm thinking of ending my life, too. I feel I should lie beside him. Living doesn't make sense anymore. Please pray for me.

Thank you,
Lizbeth B.

Dear Lizbeth,

Getting over the loss of a loved one doesn't happen overnight. I know of some who still live in the shadows of their unhappy memories. They never took notice that years have already passed and they are still brooding over yesterday and hoping for the things that could have been. We can see in their eyes that they are still mourning, silently crying, and probably, still wishing that a miracle would happen.

Lizbeth, you have allowed a part of yourself to die with Carl. But life should go on even if it means living alone. Be strong and never give up, for if you do, Carl's hopes will cease where your life ends and you will never be able to open your eyes to see another day and experience the miracle you have been hoping for.

No, Lizbeth, Carl will never come to his earthly life again. It is the miracle of acceptance that will change your life and bring new meaning to it. For wherever Carl is, I know he wants you to be happy not because he's gone but because you know with your heart that he loved you until the last breath of his life.

Carl never lived long enough to feel you and keep you in his arms but let us always remember that it's not how much time we spend with someone that matters. We can spend so little time yet share so much love... that is more important. For moments shared with unselfish love will give us the confidence to look back not with regret but with a smile in our hearts and give us the courage to go on with life and experience its miracles.



10 Tips to Keep Your Man 
from Straying

1. Don’t be too clingy. The minute he feels tied down, he’ll panic and bolt out.

2. Lay off the nagging. His mom can do that- and he can’t break up with her.

3. Stay fit and beautiful. Unconditional love or not, guys can’t help but compare you to other girls.

4. Don’t make your schedule too predictable. If he can easily figure out where you’ll be at any particular moment, it gives him a chance to make plans with another girl.

5. Be a friend to him. At least guys are loyal to their friends.

6. Don’t be afraid to try new things together. It keeps the relationship interesting.

7. Try to do his things once in a while. Shared experiences make relationships stronger.

8. Make him feel important. Or he just might look for that elsewhere.

9. Be supportive of his goals. You won’t have a future with him if you only look at the present.

10. Give him some credit for the effort he puts into the relationship. They might not show it, but men really appreciate praise.

Chalk Magazine 2005

Joe D'Mango's Love Notes - A CHANCE TO BE HAPPY

Dear Joe,

Just call me Claire. I'm nineteen years old and a college student. However, my story dates back to when I was still in high school. I guess the perfect title for the story of my life would be "You and my best friend."

My story started when I was a sophomore and I met two good looking guys in my Biology class, Monti and Jason. We were complete strangers in the beginning; we didn't talk or smile at each other even though we were all in the same group. But we soon realized that we had been put into a situation wherein we either liked each other or else we failed the class.

So we became friends. I remember that the first time we had a real conversation was when Monti cracked a joke to break the ice. Since that day, we became good friends. We would laugh all day at Monti's silly jokes while Jason would give us mature, matter-of-fact advice. I was very thankful that I had found such good friends whom I thought were just perfect. However, it was not long before I started to feel different.

Monti was the school heartthrob and he was going out with Jane who was a major "babe". To me, they were a perfect couple. But one night, Monti went to my place depressed. He told me about his problem with Jane. He said he was getting fed up with her nagging. I comforted him and I think I got caught up with him when he began to hug me because it was the first time I ever saw him serious. We were hugging for about half an hour and I let it go on like that because I thought he needed it and partly because I somehow liked the idea.

That night, I felt different; I had a major crush on Monti but I kept it a secret. Jason didn't know anything about what happened that night and Monti and I pretended that nothing had happened. I think it was just me and my imagination. But, since then, I was conscious of my every movement and felt that every move he made was different. I thought we had an unspoken understanding, but I guess I was wrong.

During our Christmas party, Monti came to me. I didn't know what to say but I was able to act casually. I thought he was about to clear things between us but instead, he told me that he and Jane were alright and that he'd figured out what was wrong. My heart sank and I was speechless for a second, but I said I was happy for them. I was about to go but he grabbed my hand.

Joe, when I turned to face him, he slowly bent down and kiss me lightly on the lips. We stood there face to face for quite a long time but soon reality returned. I broke into a grin and bid him goodbye.

I was on cloud nine for I knew that at least he cared. Still I hoped for more.

During our short Christmas vacation I waited for a phone call but he never called, not even once. When he didn't show up a month after our vacation, I found out from his mom that he hadn't come back from the States.

So Jason and I spent the rest of the days together. I don't know what go into me, but I felt strange one night when Jason told me that he was planning to court Hazel, another hot babe in school. I suddenly felt bad especially since I knew that Hazel had a thing for Jason since freshman year.

I felt hurt and I didn't know why. But still, I told him what any other friend would say which was for him to go for it. It hurt more this time than with Monti and I realized that I was falling for Jason. This time it wasn't just infatuation, it was love.

I hated myself for feeling that way. I didn't want to fall for another friend of mine so I decided to let go. I pretended that everything was fine, still I couldn't help but wish that one day he would feel the same towards me.

Monti came back and we were like old friends again. Thank God I was over him, but getting over Jason was impossible. And it hurt to hear that he and Hazel were getting along. I told myself to get on with my life so I started avoiding Jason. I thought that if I was busy I would be able to forget him, but I never did.

One day I bumped into him in the crowded hallway and he asked me what was wrong but I brushed him off. After a year, I decided to make a new circle of friends but this time it would be all girls. It was safer that way.

I met Charmaine and she became my best friend.

We were close for almost a year a half, about the same time that I had been avoiding Jason. I guess he also got tired because he no longer talked to me when we bumped into each other.

Nearing graduation, just when I thought everything would be perfect, Charmaine broke the news that she had a crush on Monti and that they were getting along pretty well. Then after a week, she told me something that made me stop breathing. She was in love with Jason.

A dark cloud passed over me and it hurt even more when Charmaine said that they were going out already. I felt like such a loser. How could she get the only thing I wanted in my life? The pain was immeasurable. Just like the song goes, "You and my best friend."

I wanted to hate her but I knew it wasn't fair. I should have told her what had happened before but I didn't, so I suffered again. As expected, Jason started hanging out with us and I suffered all the more. Although Jason and I would talk, we would never look each other in the eye.

What hurt more was that Charmaine would ask me for help and though I wanted to shut her up, she was still my friend. I tried to forget Jason by going out with Mark. We went steady for two months but I broke it up because I knew that I was cheating him and myself. And just when I started accepting the fact that Jason wasn't for me, Charmaine told me that it was over for her and Jason. Jason had confessed that he loved someone else.

My friend was deeply hurt and so was I. I told her to forget about him and not to cry anymore, the same way I have been telling myself deep inside. But she couldn't; she continued loving him and waiting.

Charmaine and I are now studying in the same university. We are still best friends and it had been a year since we heard from Jason. I thought Jason was a thing of the past but one day, he showed up at a party and it started all over again. He started calling Charmaine and I prepared myself for the day that they would get back together again even though the thought tore me apart.

Joe, I never thought it would happen but it did. One night, Jason came to my house and gave me a bunch of flowers. He told me that he loved me and has loved me since the day we became good friends, but could never get the courage to tell me. How I wished that night wouldn't end.

It was such a long wait but it was worth it. But now, I realize that I still can't enjoy that piece of heaven because now I have to choose. I had to choose between hurting my friend or hurting Jason. Joe, I love them both. Charmaine is special to me but Jason makes me feel special. What will I do, Joe? I'm confused and afraid to hurt someone because I know how it feels to be hurt.

Please help me.


 Dear Claire,

When we get ourselves tangled in the web of conflicting desires and emotions, we would either find ourselves victorious or defeated.

Victorious when we find our way out in one piece. Defeated when we are left hanging and hurting in the end.

You always seem to find yourself in a predicament when you realize you should have let someone know how you felt before it was too late. You silently cried for Monti but I'm glad it's over now because you were never more than a friend to him.

You have allowed Jason to slip off your arms because you were afraid to let him know what the real score was. You were too scared to face the fact that you were hurting because you have learned to love the man who told you he's attracted to someone else.

But now things have turned in your favor. Are you or are you not taking the chance to be with that man who was once lost and now is back? The question of hurting your best friend is difficult to answer because you know how painful it was seeing Jason with her. Now that you have the chance to take her place, you are afraid that your best friend might just be as hurt as you were.

Claire, I believe you have suffered long enough. Now you have to make a stand. For once in your life, never be afraid to face your own fear. Follow your heart and find happiness in the little things that make this life a joy to live. If Charmaine is a real friend, she'll remain one even if she loses Jason to you.

Remember, you deserve to be happy for you already had your share of tears and frustrations in life. Be thankful that you have found what you once lost and hope and pray that it will keep forever.


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