So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. And the Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. And the man said, This s now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man" (Genesis 2:21-23 NASB).
Remember, there is only one of you. You were carefully fashioned by God to complement the man He knew He would place you beside. Many ask me if there is only one man for every woman. My reply is always the same, "There are many men you could settle for, but there is one that God knows is best for you." When He decided to give Adam a mate, he did not place Eve, Mary, and Sue before hima nd allow him to pick. He designed one especially capable of meeting all of Adam's needs. So embrace your originality- the things about you that set you apart from every other woman on the face of the earth.
Just as there was only one Eve, there is only one you who does things the way you do. Now these are a little more nebulous, harder to pinpoint because they are so personal. Defining these things releases you to be yourself. There are the unexplained things that every man likes about a woman, from the way she wrinkles her nose to the way she orders her food and insists on putting the bread to the side of her sandwich. Several movies come to mind where the heroine had "quirky" down to a science, yet the man in pursuit of her loved every minute of it. Why? Because her quirks made her unique. There was no one else quite like her, and every other woman seemed boring in comparison. The men in these cute romantic movies loved watching the women who had won their hearts because they were just so...well...different, intriguing, cute! One man told me, when listing the peculiarities of the woman he was in love with, that he didn't love her in spite of her idiosyncrasies, he loved her because of them.
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