Saturday, July 10, 2010

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 18. ORIGINALITY

So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. And the Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. And the man said, This s now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man" (Genesis 2:21-23 NASB).


Remember, there is only one of you. You were carefully fashioned by God to complement the man He knew He would place you beside. Many ask me if there is only one man for every woman. My reply is always the same, "There are many men you could settle for, but there is one that God knows is best for you." When He decided to give Adam a mate, he did not place Eve, Mary, and Sue before hima nd allow him to pick. He designed one especially capable of meeting all of Adam's needs. So embrace your originality- the things about you that set you apart from every other woman on the face of the earth.

Just as there was only one Eve, there is only one you who does things the way you do. Now these are a little more nebulous, harder to pinpoint because they are so personal. Defining these things releases you to be yourself. There are the unexplained things that every man likes about a woman, from the way she wrinkles her nose to the way she orders her food and insists on putting the bread to the side of her sandwich. Several movies come to mind where the heroine had "quirky" down to a science, yet the man in pursuit of her loved every minute of it. Why? Because her quirks made her unique. There was no one else quite like her, and every other woman seemed boring in comparison. The men in these cute romantic movies loved watching the women who had won their hearts because they were just so...well...different, intriguing, cute! One man told me, when listing the peculiarities of the woman he was in love with, that he didn't love her in spite of her idiosyncrasies, he loved her because of them.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 17. ENJOYING LIFE


Everyone loves to see a parade. To go to party. To share a joke. To enjoy life. everyone wants to be part of a celebration. The greatest way to attract interest is to possess what someone else wants. Ladies, if you don't enjoy your life, why would anyone want to be part of it? This is crucial.

Begin today to live as if it were the gala of the century. Enjoy yourself. From the simple pleasures to more complicated delights, select one and enjoy living in the moment. Embrace opportunities and experiences that put a spark in your eye an bounce in your step. Joy is irresistible. Everyone is always seeking more, and if you have a surplus to pour out, believe me, someone will come for a drink. Joy speaks of more than the ability to amuse yourself. It speaks of wholeness, confidence, a settled heart that is comfortable.

Choose to be joyful when you wake. Make cheerfulness a habit in your life. It's entirely up to you. Apply it to your heart the way you would makeup to your face. Joy acts like a magnet, drawing others to itself. In a man's eyes, joy speaks of more than just momentary enjoyment. Joy is pregnant with promise. Promises he will be determined to discover. For singles, it is the mystery of the promise that inspires a man to commit. Therefore, keep your secrets until you have the blessings of God to reveal them. Married ladies, don't keep your husband guessing too long. Allow him to discover the source of your joy and share it with you in a delightful conspiracy. Always have a new joys for him to discover- one surprise at a time.

Friday, July 9, 2010

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 16. MOVEMENT

While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep, for she was a shepherdess. When Jacob saw Rachel daughter of Laban, his mother's brother, and Laban's sheep, he went over and rolled the stone away from the mouth of the well and watered his uncle sheep. Then Jacob kissed Rahel and began to weep aloud. (Genesis 29: 9-11)


I wonder if Rachel had a special sway when she walked that could have interrupted a man's conversation. Remember the girl from Ipanema? An entire song was sung in tribute to her walk and the way it affected those who saw, my, my. I wonder if she went to finishing school.

Whatever happened to finishing schools? Where you learned to walk, sit, and hold your hands a certain way? Where you learned to be a lady? Now it's every woman for herself! And today's shoes aren't doing anybody any favors. Small wonders some women are mincing around while others are clumping as if trying to crush grapes in wine season. Amazing. Men design those fabulous mules and then expect us to walk gracefully. There is a way to walk and then there is a way to walk.

Men observe how women walk and draw conclusions based on what they see. I once overheard a man who was watching a woman cross the streets say, "She walks as if she is enjoying herself." Sure enough, I followed the direction of his eyes, and there was this woman taking her time, her hips swaying gently as if she was waling to music none of us could hear. She was like a poem, moving in slow motion through the rest of the crowd as they made their way from point A to B. It brought to mind the song, "She walks in beauty..."

What does your walk say? That you are on a mission? Or that all is well with your soul and you are enjoying the day? Better walk lightly, someone might be watching.

And it's not just your walk; it's all your movements- the way you do the things you do. How you bend over to pick something up, the little way you flick your hair over your shoulder or innocently stretch without thinking. Men take nnote of all these things.
Perhaps a turn of the head or a movement of the arm remiinds them of something pleasant buried in their spirit. It connects and surfaces longings they believe we can answer. It this something you can totally control? Probably not. But just remember that ou inner workings will be manifested in your body language. So make sure all is well with your soul and reflect it in all you do.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 15. DRESS


On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king's hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance. When he saw Queen Esther standing in the court, he was pleased with her hand and held out to her the gold scepter that was in his hand (Esther 5:1-2)

That must have been some dress Esther had on! What kind of dress would make a man want to give all of his power to a woman? Contrary to popular belief, flesh is not the attracting factor, mystery is. Some men have double standards about the way a woman dresses. Yes, he will turn and gawk at a woman walking down the street who is showing more than she should, but does he want the woman on his arm to dress in the same manner? Absolutely not! He ma be attracted to the scantily dressed woman but not respect her or take her seriously at all.

I always ask the question: Would you be proud to meet Jesus in what you are wearing? That settles it, dress accordingly. Now that doesn't mean your stuff has to be up to the top of you neck or hitting the floor. Simply dress with taste and modesty. Leave something to the imagination. Leave that man wanting to know more about you. Give him hints but not the full conclusion. Dress carefully and effectively. Soft, feminine, and inviting,  but without displaying things that only your mate should see. Let your dress speak volumes about your character- modest not brazen, godly not worldly. Highlight your best qualities without distracting from your overall natural beauty. The rule for dressing is less can be more, and I am not speaking of fabric. Dress the wa you want to be perceived. If you are a queen, dress like one.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 14. POSTURE

Your stature is like that of the palm (Song of Songs 7:7-8)


Ooowee! I mean King of Solomon had a rap, didn't he? But let's face it, he was only saying what every man thinks but doesn't have the nerve to utter. The way we stand, the way we carry our bodies speaks volumes. There is something about a woman who walks upright with her head held high. There is peace with herself in every step. She likes herself. She feels good about herself.

Now close your eyes and imagine that same woman slumped over, shoulders curved forward, neck bent, head hung over. Is that a desirable picture of you? Not only does it say this person is feeling sorry for herself, it's not a healthy stance at all. Body language- that's what we're talking about here- plain and simple. How can you carry yourself makes you approachable or wards off all interested parties. Take a moment to check out how you stand.

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