Sunday, May 30, 2010

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 13. A GREAT BODY

Your navel is a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine. Your waist is a mound of wheat encircled by lilies. Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle (Song of Songs 7:2-3).


Okay, okay, so men like breasts, lips, hips, breasts, legs, breasts...perhaps it;s the mother thing. This is another area where the style, size, and shape preference is purely subjective. so here's what I say. Accentuate the positive and downplay the negative. Dress accordingly to your shape. The right foundation is definitely something to consider here. Victoria's secret is that she makes a foundation for everyone to enhance what nature gave them. Start from the top down with the right underwear. The right outfit can look all wrong if the foundation isn't together. If you are small, you still need to have the right bra to ensure a beautiful profile. For those whoa re bountifully endowed, use bras with cotton straps to keep yourself firmly in place and present a flawless finish. Whatever your size, consult with someone who specializes in selecting the right pieces to present your best figure.

Body shapers pull up what needs to be up and suck in needless extras. Set the stage for the dress you want to wear and then enter looking your best. Whether a size 2 or a size 20, neatness goes a long way when it comes to being in great form.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 12. FEET

12. FEET

We know many a leg man, but feet?! Yeah, girl, feet. Survey says men are checking out our feet. Are they clean and neatly manicured, or are they hard, calloused, and looking worse for wear? Your feet are an indication of how much attention you pay to your personal grooming. Do you take the time to deal with things that are not so obvious? 

Do you love yourself enough to pay attention to all the details of your appearance? How we take care of ourselves says a lot to a man- it lets him know how you view yourself. Just remember, if you don't take good care of yourself, who will? How precious is your body to you? Take care of it- from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. All your features deserve honor as part of one great body.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 11. LEGS

How beautiful your sandaled feet, O prince's daughter! Your graceful legs are like jewels, the work of a craftsman's hands (Song of Songs 7:1).

11. LEGS

Long legs, short legs, skinny ones, thick ones- it's every man for himself in this category. To shave or not to shave- even this cannot be pinned down, although I dare say the general populace leans toward the Nair-smooth model as politically correct and desirable. To this I say: Find the right dress or skirt length to complement what you've got and then strut your stuff with graceful confidence.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 10. NECK

Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels (Song of Songs 1:10).

10. NECK

It's no small wonder that a woman can take any part of her body and make it speak. We all laugh at the sister- girl neck roll. And yet it says, "How dare you! Don't you ever do that again! Stop right there, mister. Don't even think about getting any closer!" A neck can reflect defiance or submission, pride or humility. A neck can say, "Get back!"  or "I'm open to listen." Mmmmh, a neck can say, all of that and have the capacity to portray a vulnerability a man finds so appealing. It can be a tender place. It's tenderness is particularly attractive to men.

Even God talks about stiff-necked women being turn off. We adorn our necks, we perfume them, but do we understand the power of them? The grace and elegance they can portray? The soft, alluring beauty they possess? The stubbornness they can reveal, even when we try to put our best face forward? Perhaps we would walk more carefully if we really understood their mystique.
Your neck is like the tower of David, built with elegance (Song of Songs 4:4)

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 9. ARMS

Yes, arms are important. It's funny what men notice. Strong arms speak of strength and fitness. They don't need to be buff; toned will suffice. It's amazing how quickly sometimes minor things become major. In the mind of a husband or a man considering a woman potential mate, hands are made for touching and loving them. Arms are for embracing and being capable of handling the tasks at hand.

If you're married, go ahead and reach out to your man. This is part of a man's love language and has tremendous impact. 
Singles, be careful! Don't start fires you can't put out. The book of Ecclesiastes says there is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. God places a high price on a man being intimate with you- one of a lifetime commitment. Maintain His standard and conduct yourself accordingly.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 8. HANDS

This is purely subjective but survey says- men are afraid of nails that look like weapons. Strong, sensitive hands are appealing in their look. Clean, neat, cultures nails will do. They don't even care about polish (well, they do if it's looking as though it's time for manicure). This speaks of the time and attention you pay to yourself in their eyes.

Take the time to cultivate even the little things. The little things become major in their eyes. When you extend our hand, make sure it is a hand they want to hold. Have hands they long to have touch them tenderly, in a reassuring pat only a wife can offer her man... Hands that are the finishing touch of graceful, welcoming arms.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 7. HAIR

Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead (Song of Songs 6:5)


Okay, ladies, let's get real about the hair. This one is a biggie. Men love hair that moves and has a quiet luster that catches the light- fluid, rich and full. Now we all have different textures, lengths, and colors of hair. What is important here is healthy hair that is not forced in its presentation. Au naturel is the vote from the menfolk. They want to enjoy what they see and anticipate permission to touch it at the right time. 

Are men opposed to our fascination with weaves and extensions? Only if they look too done, so pay attention to the fine details if this is the route you want to take. Truly our hair is our glory, but wear it well, my sister.

Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel. Your hair is like a royal tapestry; the king is held captive b it its tresses (Song of Songs 7:5)

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 6. BEAUTIFUL SKIN

Who is this that appears like the dawn, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, majestic as the stars in procession? (Song of Songs 6:10)


Isn't it interesting that the Shulammite woman is the Song of Songs saw herself one way and her lover saw her in an entirely different light? He saw her as fair while she considered the color of her skin undesirable. Fair in this context actually means beautiful. What he saw was not the color but the condition of her skin. It was lustrous and sanity smooth. It had been kissed by the sun and was radiant with a healthy grow. Her skin was rich with vitality- it was alive. It was skin he wanted to touch, though he reserved that impulse for more appropriate time.

It doesn't matter what shade of flavor you are. Care for your skin tenderly and allow its finer properties to shine through. You never know who is looking at you.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 5. COMPLEXION

Do not stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun. My mother's son were angry with me and made me take care of the vineyards; my own vineyard I have neglected (Song of Songs 1:6)


Fair, dark, ruddy, pale as the moon, dark as the night, cafe au lait... we come in many shades and flavors that are appearing to various men. Do not despise what someone else may celebrate.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 4. BEAUTIFUL TEETH

Your teeth are like a flock of sheep coming up from the washing. Each has its twin, not one of them is alone. (Song of Songs 6:6)


Virtually every single toothpaste on the market has added a new ingredient: whitener. It is as if a news flash hit all the makers of toothpaste at the same time. Gleaming white teeth are desirable; healthy is no longer enough.

I must admit, after enduring braces in high school (and not the cool clear ones that they have now either!), teeth are a biggie for me as well. Bad teeth can be a deal breaker. But strong, clean, even white teeth say that person cares about their diet as well as their hygiene. This rates high on the desirability scale for men. It was amazing how many of them brought this one up.

So, even if you have fabulous teeth but no one sees them, what does it profit you? Take a moment to see what your mouth says about you.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 3. A WELCOMING SMILE


Perhaps things are causing you to conceal those pearly whites.  Maybe grim lips are hiding the beautiful inner you.  Deal with the inside and set the outside free.  A smile can do more than words in many instances. 

Perhaps things are causing you to conceal those pearly whites. Maybe grim lips are hiding the beautiful inner you. Deal with the inside and set the outside free. A smile can do more than words in many instances. When asked what made a woman approachable, more men than not said a simple smile was enough to suffice. All they needed was a signal that the coast was dear to approach. An expressionless look did not make feel safe. Even if the rest of the package looked nice, they were sure to pass on the contents.

All dressed up, looking good, and still wondering why the world is passing by you? Better get happy and smile, girl!

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 2. LIPS

Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely (Song of Songs 4:3).


Lips come in all sizes and shapes --- full, thin, voluptuous, pouty, streamlined --- you name it.  And now with the help of cosmetic surgery, we can make them look any way we want.  One thing cosmetic surgery cannot do, though, is make those lips, no matter what size, appealing to a man if they are subconsciously taut and rigid from churning emotions within.

Funny how we can tell if someone is upset by either looking into their eyes or observing the set of their lips.  If someone's lips are stiff or turned downward, we know that person is not a happy camper.  The are upset about something.  We temper our words, fearing a sharp answer.  However, lips that are soft and relaxed let us know the coast is clear.
How many millions of dollars do women spend on lipstick, yet no fabulous color can conceal the way they feel?  The lips reveal a lot!

Are your lips soft, inviting pleasant conversation, or do they threaten a rebuke?  Do they bid welcome, or are they stiff with pride or suspicion?  Perhaps it's time to spit out whatever tastes bitter within and fill yourself with goodness. Yes, that's it!  Though men may fail you and life might disappoint, taste and see that God is good.  His promises are enough to fill you with hope and make you look like the cat that swallowed the canary.  Go ahead, lick your lips-- allow them to be one of your most outstanding features.

101 Ways To Get & Keep His Attention - 1. EYES

Hi there ladies!

Let me share you this book that inspires me to do more, improve more and be better as a woman.  Do you have a boyfriend right now?  Or are you the type of girl who has no boyfriend or even a suitor since birth?  Are you determined to meet and keep the man of your life? 

I'm very excited to share these 101 hopeful steps with you to make our relationship better and gain self improvement that will make our partner more inlove and attracted to us. If you do not have a suitor or boyfriend, then this is the right time for you to take some steps of lesson for being beautiful in and out.
And let boys fall in love....

1.  EYES
 You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes...( Songs of Songs 4:9)

How many songs have been sung about what a woman's eyes do to a man?  We've heard that the eyes are the windows to the soul so often it has become trite, but it is true.  What is it about the eyes?  Though silent, they speak volumes.  They tell a man if we are angry, sad, happy, approachable, or unapproachable.

In the beginning,  God made all fruit pleasing to the eye, including us.  We are the fruit of His omniscient womb.  He fashioned us not just as a reflection of Himself, but as something that would be nice to look at.  He formed women to attract men.  This is not a bad or sinful thing.  However, how we use what God has given us can either work for or against us.  What do your eyes say?

Let's consider the effect a woman's eyes can have.  They have the power to arrest a man, to captivate, invite, or deter his approach.

Hmmm, the lover in Song of Songs told the beloved that her eyes were like the pools of Heshbon.  The word Heshbon means "stronghold."  A stronghold is a place of no escape.  Now that's deep.  He asked her later in chapter 6, verse 5 to turn her eyes away from him because they overwhelmed him... oooh, thi is juicy stuff!  The girl hadn't said a word, yet she had captured this man with her eyes.

Her eyes were also like doves.  Soft and gentle, not arrogant and bold.  They were eyes that beckoned one to come closer.  What do yours say? Are they filled with the pain of past relationship? Hardened by mistrust?  Before you can beckon love and find favor in the eyes of another, your eyes must be refocused on the joy set before you.

Submit your fears and disappointments to the Lord and dwell on His promises so that He can fill your eyes with the light of His love.  A light that will attract the right man to follow the path to your heart.

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